My Machines

This is my modest collection as it stands so far. I am hoping to add more machines strategically- that is, not buying typewriters just for the sake of acquiring them. I am also planning on taking some better photos, but these ones work for now. The coloured ones are very hard to take accurate photos of, but these are the best I have so far from my little point and shoot. I will add photos of new additions as they arrive, and I hope you enjoy what I have so far (*All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them).
                             - Natalia

My Underwood 5 was the first machine in my collection. When I first received it (in the last week of June 2012 or so), it was covered in such a thick layer of built-up grime that I couldn't actually tell what brand it was (this was before I had any knowledge of typewriter brands- or anything else to do with typewriters for that matter). i have always loved typewriters, and had always wanted one, but I had never made the effort to find one. This one was bought for me by my boyfriend who knows me too well, and thus started my collecting. 

Serial Number: 308802
Year of Production: 1911

This Royal KHM and my Remington Quiet-Riter (see below) both came to me at the same time, only a few weeks after I received my Underwood. Once my family knew that I had a serious interest in typewriters, I discovered that my grandfather still had a typewriter that had belonged to my grandmother. A visit to his house proved that he did indeed have the typewriter, as well as another that he had forgotten about. Even though there isn't anything particularly unique about these two machines, they will always hold a special place in my heart.

Royal KHM
Serial Number: KH12- 1738098
Year of Production: 1935 (as far as I know- the TDB says nothing about KH as a prefix)

Remington Quiet-Riter
Serial Number: EQR 284475
Year of Production: 1957

My Smith-Corona Super Silent is the most recent addition to my collection. I bought it back home before the summer ended and I had to return for school. I had been out for lunch with a friend at a local Thai food restaurant, that also happens to be an antique store (it is an older house with the restaurant taking up one room, and antiques taking up the rest). While we happened to be there anyways, I just couldn't leave without at least looking to see if there was a typewriter to be had, and fortunately I found this little gem. It was very yellowed, and the case extremely musty, but otherwise in good condition, and I gratefully payed $25.

Serial Number: 5T 593850
Year of Production: 1958


  1. How nice that you have typewriters that were handed down from your grandparents.

    That Royal looks unique -- I think the keys come from a '50s Underwood! Compare them to my Underwood Quiet Tab.

    1. I knew the keys weren't original to the Royal, but I hadn't had the time to try and figure out what they might have come off of. It looks like a match to me- thank you so much for sharing the photo!
